1. Nourish Your Body — The closer we eat to the source of our food, the healthier our eating will be. Foods that are partially or highly processed loose nutritional packaging. The obvious is true! Fresh meats, fruits, vegetables and grains will have the highest nutritional content, (vitamins, minerals, amino acids, etc), giving your body the highest opportunity to assimilate and eliminate properly leaving you feeling your best.
  2. Sit Down When You Eat — The common sense approach reveals that “eating on the run” increases the rates of heartburn, indigestion, stomach cramping, constipation and diarrhea, and of course, acid reflux. Nourish your body with the respect that is due!A couple of simple thoughts to reflect on:
    “What is so important in my life that I don’t believe that I have the time available to me to meet one of my most fundamental and ongoing of all human needs, food?”
    “Do I pay closer attention to the functioning of my car than my own body?” When was the last time you heard a “funny noise” in your car and rushed it to the mechanic? Do you give your body that same level of listening?
  3. Aid Your Digestion With The Daily Practice Of Gratitude — This is an easy one, if you don’t already have the habit. It’s easy to hold an attitude of thanks even as you chew! Even a subtle shift in this attitude will slow down the rate you eat at, giving your stomach more time to see and receive the incoming contents. Eating can be an invitation for personal joy through nourishment three or more times a day.It is common knowledge that what we think, feel and believe has a very direct effect on our general sense of wellness. This may likely be most true in our digestion. Consider the entirety of your digestive system to be an “Automatic feedback mechanism.” Every organ related to this vast system from your mouth, teeth, lips and gums; through your esophagus, stomach, intestines and rectum are effected by EVERY SINGLE THING that goes in your mouth, every thought in your head and every feeling held onto. Have you ever been worried or upset and your lunch went “down in a lump”? Ever have a bout of diarrhea after a disagreement with a loved one? Ever get indigestion in the middle of a business meeting? Ever lay awake at night with your stomach in knots?

Our challenge is to see before us the great opportunity to heal ourselves in many areas of our mind, body, and spirit thorough the daily use of positive foods with positive thoughts and emotions.

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